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Interrupted Time Series (ITS) analysis has been increasingly used in public health research to evaluate policy impact. For example, in 2018, the Northern Territory government implemented a minimum price for alcohol. Is this policy effective in reducing alcohol consumption in the population? ITS can be used to answer such question. In this seminar, I will give a brief introduction to this technique, and demonstrate this technique using a simulated dataset. The demonstration will be R and StatsNotebook, a graphic interface for R. R codes and the simulated dataset will be provided.
Link for R:
Dr. Gary Chan is a statistician and epidemiologist at the National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research, University of Queensland. He is the chief developer of StatsNotebook, an open source R based statistics app. His research focuses on statistical software development, causal inferences, and the epidemiology of substance use among young people. He has served as a consultant at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to evaluate the data collection methodology on global substance use data, and as a biostatistical consultant for the West Moreton Health Service.
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