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StatsNotebook is currently under development. A beta version 0.1.0 is now available for Windows 10. Mac Version will be available soon.


Bug report, Comments and suggestions for future version can be submitted to our github or our facebook page. You suggestions will help improve future version and will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

You can download and run the installer. Since StatsNotebook is a new beta software, windows defender may pop out and prevent you from installing it.

Windows Defender

Click on more info, and click run anyway to proceed with installation.

Windows Defender

If you are working on a computer that you do not have administrative right (e.g. a university computer), you can download the zipped folder for StatsNotebook.

After you download the zipped folder, unzipped it and nagivate to the folder win-unpacked. Inside this folder, you can double-click StatsNotebook to start it.

Unpacking StatsNotebook

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